Nakisha's Rabbit Oracle, a 52 card deck of rabbit
art created by Nakisha
From the creator of the Rabbit Tarot, Nakisha's Rabbit Oracle
further explores the world of rabbits with 52 easy to read, friendly
cards. They are printed in 3 sizes - Mini, Standard and Deluxe
(tarot sized).
Free Downloads -
Rabbit Oracle - quick
answers and suggested actions - 1 page .pdf
Rabbit Oracle -
descriptions, quick anwsers and suggested actions
- 3 page .pdf
This deck was created to use alone, or with other
tarot decks. They are designed for ease of use, with simple one word
descriptions, short basic answers, and more detailed suggested
actions. The cards are numbered for easy reference, and you can use
them right away without the memorization or study involved with
tarot decks.
When starting out, just ask a question and pull a card, then read
the description. For more advanced users, you can draw one or more
cards to read along with a tarot spread or to examine more complex
questions. The prompts in the cards are designed to inspire insight
and self reflection.
Drawing many cards is not recomemended, as eventually the messages
may get contradictory. Start with one card and see where it goes!
The "quick answer" makes for easy introduction and readability of
the deck, with the "suggested action" expanding on the idea
presented by the card. After becoming familiar with the cards, I
encourage readers to find their own meanings in the imagery of the
deck. Reversed (upside down) meanings are not included.
More can be found online on how to use oracle decks and tarot decks,
find what works best for you!
Click here for
purchase options for this deck.

This deck is intended for self reflection and examination and
is for entertainment purposes only. There are no psychological,
medical or other benefits, real or implied.